7 tips for weight loss without dieting

7 tips for weight loss without dieting

There are a large number of methods and diets for weight loss, which we resort to several times a year. Some are tougher, in which a sufficiently large amount of a kilogram is lost in a short period of time, others are benign, which do not exhaust our bodies so much, however, the result is achieved in a long time.

All that combines diet - is that they do not give long-term results, and as soon as you start to eat in the usual way, the weight immediately returns. Therefore, there are two options: either to keep the weight after the end of the diet, while continuing to limit themselves to a huge variety of products, or to forget the word "diet", renaming it into a way of life and try to follow certain rules with which you can lose weight. I suggest you stay on the second option, so I prepared for you 7 tips for losing weight without dieting!

1.Start the morning right!

Strong coffee on an empty stomach and a bun on the way to work is a sure sign that someone will not fit into their favorite jeans very soon. Breakfast is a very important meal, which should not be missed, because it is he who charges us with energy for the whole day. Oatmeal, eggs, fruit salad, granola, cottage cheese with honey - the main thing that breakfast was nutritious and healthy. In addition, the correct breakfast improves mental capacity and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

2. Better more often, but less.

If, when following a diet, eating once or twice a day is the norm, then eating the right diet is not the right approach. There should be at least five meals, but this does not mean that you have to eat an elephant in a day. A full breakfast, lunch and dinner should be diluted with not very high-calorie snacks, which will help to feel a not so acute feeling of hunger and normalize the metabolism. Habitual sandwiches are replaced by fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and enjoy the process of losing weight.

3. Movement is life.

Even if you eat 2 teaspoons of buckwheat and one leaf of lettuce a day, but at the same time lie on the sofa in front of the TV, you are unlikely to see a good result. If you do not like fitness clubs, then work out at home in front of a computer, do daily morning jogs, sign up for a pool or find the kind of sport you like, the main thing is to devote time to at least a couple of times a week.

4. More liquid, less sugary drinks.

You need to drink a lot - let it be your rule for every day. But it is very important to understand what you drink. Pure water is your best friend, because it maintains the water balance of the body, and also dulls the feeling of hunger. But it is better to refuse from smoothies, shakes and other fashionable drinks, because if you find out how much sugar they contain, you won’t eat another week. There is nothing to say about sweet sparkling water - you are already an adult girl, and in your refrigerator instead of a bottle of this muck there should be mineral water.

5. Less salt.

If you are a lover of salt, then I have bad news for you - you will have to wait a little with salt, because it is it that retains water in the body and prevents you from losing weight. By eliminating salty foods and ceasing to pour half the saltshaker into your favorite dishes, you can easily get rid of 2-3 hated kilograms per week!

6. ¼ portions.

The secret is simple - leave every fourth part of the usual portion in a saucepan or in a frying pan, or replace with fresh vegetables. If you follow this rule, the size of calories consumed per day is reduced by exactly 25%, due to the portion of vegetables, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored and you lose weight without restricting yourself in your favorite dishes.

7. Light dinner.

Good news: you can eat even after 18:00. The bad news: no steaks and fried potatoes. Dinner should be the lowest calorie meal of the day, so that during sleep there are no hormones that are responsible for the accumulation of fat. Try to minimize the consumption of fats and carbohydrates during dinner, preferring light dishes, baked in the oven, or made in a double boiler.
